“Unintelligible: Noise Against Capture”
APRIL 20-21, 2018 | University of California, Santa Cruz
Tentative Schedule
Day 1 | April 20
[Humanities Building 1, Room 210, UCSC]
9:30am Coffee
10:00 Opening Remarks:
Alex Jay Ullman & Gabriel Saloman Mindel, conveners
10:30 Panel 1- Urban Noise
Key MacFarlane, UCSC, “’Must a lovely city suffer?’: Noise Complaints and the Culturalization of Politics in Seattle”
Rachel Colwell, UCB, “Trash in the Soundscape: Tunisian Mezwid and the Rhetoric of Noise Pollution”
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Keynote
Jeramy DeChristo, UCD, “Sounds Like Us”
2:30 Coffee part 2
3:00 Panel 2 – Against Limits
Anne Napatalung, UCSC, “Toward Abolition: Kalief Browder, Carceral Architectures, and the Sounds of Heartbreak”
Calvin Walds, UCSD, “Itinerancy: Black Noise, Fugitive Thought”
Jackie Davis, UCLA, “Resisting German Isolationism: Sonic Pluralism in Valeska Gert’s 1920s Tontänze”
5:00 Done
[Idea Fab Labs Santa Cruz, 2879 Mission St. Extension]
8:00 Evening Party/Music * co-presented with Indexical *
w/ Happy Valley Band | Zachary James Watkins | bLectum from bLechdom
Day 2 | April 21
[UCSC Arboretum]
9:30 Continental Breakfast at the UCSC Arboretum. [RSVP ias@ucsc.edu]
10:00 am Tour of FOREST (for a thousand years…)
[Humanities Lecture Hall, UCSC]
11:00 Panel 3- Music as Counterhegemony
Max Ritts, UBC, “Gyibaaw”
Andrew J. Wood, UCSC, “The Old Within the New: Anachronism and Anarchy In Punk Cultures”
Amanda Modell, UCD, “Survival of the Harmonious: Alan Lomax, Cantometrics, and Cultural Evolution.”
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Panel 4 – UnSound Logic
Zachary James Watkins, composer Peace Be Till / Black Spirituals
David Kant, Happy Valley Band
Kristen Erickson & Bevin Kelley, bLectum from bLechdom
2:30 Coffee break
3:00 Panel 5 – The Politics of Silence
Serena Le, UCB, “White Noise to LeBron: Shading Basketball’s Sonic Lines”
Stephen David Engel, UCSC, “Silence, Violence, Noise: A Reply to Hannah Arendt”
Stefan Torralba, UCR, ‘“Skin Sounds’: The (Techno-)Sonic Potentialities of Bob Kaufman”
4:30 Wrap up
5:00 Done
***PLEASE NOTE: On April 20th UCSC may have significant traffic delays entering and exiting campus due to events on the west-side of campus. A UCSC Police alert has more details here. You are strongly encouraged to give yourself extra time for arrival and avoid the west-side if you are concerned about delays. There will be volunteers selling parking permits and directing guests to our event at the Cowell/Stevenson parking lots (#109 & #110). Overflow will be directed to Merrill College.***
Humanities, UCSC: https://goo.gl/maps/DUg1rcEu5kD2
Arboretum, UCSC: https://arboretum.ucsc.edu/visit/directions/index.html
Idea Fab Labs Santa Cruz, 2879 Mission St. Extension: https://goo.gl/maps/hHYVfy4X7RN2
Printable map of Humanities Building & Parking: http://maps.ucsc.edu/sites/default/files/Humanities_and_Social_Sciences_Facility.pdf
Metered parking is available in Stevenson College Lot 109
Bus Schedules:
16 leaves every half-hour; other lines vary. See http://www.scmtd.com/en/ for trip planning.
To Humanities (10, 15, 16, 19, 20)
To Idea Fab Labs (19, 20)
To Arboretum (16)
To Humanities (10, 16, 19, 20)
If you have disability-related needs, please contact the Dickens Project at dpj@ucsc.edu or call (831) 459-2103.